Going over some key fundamentals with triangles. Some main things for me to grasp were wrist control, immediately crossing my legs behind my opponents head after breaking their posture and cutting the angle! I’v found that taking the time to grabbing my shin securing my opponent’s head, while using my free leg to push off and cut the angle to the side made a huge difference in finishing this choke. Also as always slow squeeze so you do not burn out.

-Some key points were focusing on locking the legs behind the opponent’s head to secure the triangle. Remembering to grab the shin and pushing off the opponents hip first is key to getting the angle BEFORE crossing your legs. This required much practice to make it flow. ย The key thing about escaping the triangle was posturing up right away to make sure your opponent cannot cross their legs behind your head, then proceeding to break guard and advance. Proper angle to the side, pinching your knees together, ย position control and stamina were very important in this session.

-The objective more than anything in this session was working to obtain and secure position while staying consistently pursuing the finish. Patience and technique were key for a white belt in this session.

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